The next generation of Lavoo...

The next generation of Lavoo Hookahs. The Lavoo Hybrid H7 with glass downstem/tray combo offers a wide vase opening for easy cleaning and ice/fruit placement. Hand crafted and assembled the USA 🇺🇲
Tags: Handblownglass, Hollywood, Hookafina, Hookah, Hookahbar, Hookahcyprus, Hookaheurope, Hookahgreece, Hookahkings, Hookahlounge, Hookahlovers, Hookahplace, Hookahportugal, Hookahs, Hookahservice, Hookahshop, Hookahsmoke, Hookahspain, Hookahtime, Lavoohookah, Lavoohybrid, Lavoolifestyle, Shisha, Shishalife, Shishasbar, Shishatime, Shisha💨